Anyone who needs to navigate the challenging terrain of the law, or who wants to see their interests protected in negotiations and in the courts needs a competent partner.

This Partner is the STELTER Law Firm in Berlin.



Lawy­ers and nota­ries in Ber­lin City West.


Foun­ded in 1985 and enjoy­ing con­stant dyna­mic growth sin­ce its incep­ti­on, our law firm curr­ent­ly com­pri­ses a team of twen­ty persons.


The STELTER Law Firm offers an expe­ri­en­ced nota­ry ser­vice, deve­lo­ped over the cour­se of many years, as well as expert sup­port from a team of skil­led lawyers.


This enables us to offer com­pre­hen­si­ve, skilled
sup­port and advice to cli­ents acces­sing nota­ri­al or legal services.


Our expert team works tog­e­ther in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, which enables us to offer our cli­ents ser­vices that span the spec­trum of their needs: objec­ti­ve, balan­ced sup­port from our nota­ries and inte­rest-ori­en­ted and asser­ti­ve assis­tance from our lawyers.


Our aim is always to achie­ve the best pos­si­ble out­co­me for our cli­ents and to be con­stant­ly available to offer per­so­nal advice and sup­port to them, along the way.

Who we are

The STELTER Law Firm consists of a team of twenty and offers an experienced notary’s office that has been developed for years, as well as the expertise of specialist lawyers.

Alexander Stelter


Nota­ry sin­ce 1994
Att­or­ney at law sin­ce 1985




real estate and buil­der law,
resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty law,
com­pa­ny law,
inhe­ri­tance law,
con­tract design


“Each legal pro­blem also has a com­pe­ti­ti­ve com­po­nent. Wit­hout tac­ti­cal acting, con­stant moti­on, endu­rance and fair­play, the “game” is neither fun nor can it be won.”

Sabine Brückner


Nota­ry sin­ce 2019
Att­or­ney at law sin­ce 1994
Spe­cia­li­sed in fami­ly law


real estate and buil­der law,
fami­ly law,
con­s­truc­tion and archi­tec­tu­ral law,
real estate bro­kera­ge law,


“Media­ting whe­re­ver pos­si­ble —  dis­pu­ting whe­re neces­sa­ry, becau­se each case also has a human dimen­si­on bes­i­des its legal aspects.

Kathrin-Isabel Stelter


Att­or­ney at law sin­ce 1998
Spe­cia­li­sed in ren­tal and
resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty law



resi­den­ti­al and com­mer­cial ten­an­cy law
resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty law,
labour law




“The cli­ent is only opti­mal­ly ser­ved when he knows that his case is in the safe hands of a lawy­er the enti­re time and when he can be sure that it is dealt with in his inte­rest.

Our priority areas

The STELTER Law Firm offers its cli­ents a comprehensive,
com­pe­tent sup­port and advice from your nota­ries and lawyers.

Labour law


Building and
architectural law


Inheritance law


Family law


Corporate law


Real estate and builder law

Real estate brokerage law




Company law


Residential and commercial tenancy law


Residential property law

Our work principles

The work of the STELTER Law Firm is based on 4 basic pillars.

Juristic Intelligence

We go bey­ond sim­ply offe­ring solid know­ledge of the law; in our approach we are gui­ded by prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, know­ledge of the field, cri­ti­cal enga­ge­ment with other opi­ni­ons and, time and again, an insight into human nature.


We call this prin­ci­ple juristic intel­li­gence: the abili­ty to iden­ti­fy and eva­lua­te legal mat­ters and to hand­le them effectively.


Being able to quick­ly under­stand a situa­ti­on, grasp and address the con­cerns of cli­ents and respond imme­dia­te­ly to nego­tia­ti­on and pro­ce­du­ral steps is of decisi­ve importance to the pro­gres­si­on and out­co­me of legal pro­cee­dings. That is why we con­sider speed to be a cru­cial ele­ment of our approach.


Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with mul­ti­ple part­ners enables us to excel at ful­fil­ling ever-more-com­plex legal requi­re­ments in rela­ti­on to our core competencies.

This approach brings tog­e­ther prac­ti­tio­ners with various are­as of exper­ti­se and estab­lishes a con­ti­nuous dia­lo­gue bet­ween them, ensu­ring a dyna­mism that leads to rapid results for all kinds of situa­tions. We have crea­ted a suc­cessful net­work by inte­gra­ting a num­ber of part­ners who­se qua­li­ty we are hap­py to vouch for, in Ger­ma­ny and abroad.


For us, the con­cept of (juristic) fle­xi­bi­li­ty refers to a mode of intellec­tu­al agi­li­ty that moti­va­tes us to recon­sider issues that may appear clear-cut at first glan­ce, as well as to ques­ti­on estab­lished positions.

Working together

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween the cli­ent and the lawy­er is the basis for suc­cessful col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. That means us being available to you and you being open with us.


From that basis we can quick­ly ascer­tain an over­view of the mat­ter at hand, and rea­li­sti­cal­ly assess our cli­ents’ legal issues. With this in mind, our cli­ents are not allo­ca­ted a sin­gle lawy­er or nota­ry to always work with, but are ins­tead always sup­port­ed by the right lawy­er or nota­ry – one with exper­ti­se in the rele­vant spe­ci­fic area required.


Whe­ther in the capa­ci­ty of lawy­ers or nota­ries, we offer well-reaso­ned legal advice that focu­ses on a sin­gle key objective:


your inner satisfaction

© STELTER Anwaltssozietät